mardi 27 décembre 2011

You have a new message

Facebook now offers private message between hoteliers and their fans 

Nowadays, it happens frequently, that hotels and restaurants have their own facebook page. The only matter was that fans could not send a private mail via facebook to the firm. Indeed, at this stage is the best communication tool but then fans, most of the time, don't want to post public comments...
Through this platform, it is a new way of communication, more personal which can be useful for recruitment, guest service, booking management...
On the other hand, if the brand want to share messages with fans, it has to do the first step, by sending the  first private message.
There is also a damper: this functionality could be unproductive by reduicing comments' page, that is to say reduicing visibility due to facebook system : interaction referencing "like, comments...".
I think that this tool is obviously an additionnal advantage, but more for hotel chain that can reach someone specially in this kind of communication. I don't think that an independant hotelier can manage additionnal reservation sytem if he has already a booking system online, plus OTA's contract...that would create displeasing overbookings.
If you want to read about the article, click here.

vendredi 9 décembre 2011

App for Panorama

Introducing Microsoft Photosynth

Food Reporter: feed your senses!

For the food lovers, you can join Food Reporter social media network.
There are more than 100 000 amateurs with their Smartphone or computer, shooting meal at home or in restaurants and posting comments on it. You can find nice gourmet meal but also uninviting dishes!
Some restaurateurs and hoteliers, however, don't feel confortable about this new social media, because,  networkers give time to time bad comments on their dishes, and those comments are easily fundable. In fact a meal in restaurant it is not only a dish: it's an atmosphere, a service, flavours...Further more most of the time Chefs don't want to share their meal presentation on the web, to avoid competitors eyes...
People, if they are in a restaurant should ask the chef, before taking pictures...unless it is a "souvenir" picture. However, at home they can do what ever they want. In this case it's a very good idea: sharing experience through a foody community.
What do you think?

But still remember "colors and taste, that's not debatable..."
If you want to read about the article, click here.

mercredi 7 décembre 2011

Which Keywords should Hotel Beauchamps buy to be more visible

Understand concept in MBA work

I position my self in MBA DG Marketing work between Descriptive and Analytical. I am convice that my description side, help me to reassure me in researches, in this ocean of informations. Then time and understanding of the subject are controled, I am able to be analytic and bring comparaison. If by luck I found relevant infos and example, that would be perfect.

vendredi 2 décembre 2011

Search Engine Optimization

Moving from online channels to ecosystems

An interesting demonstration of current courses...

In this article, the author points the fact that distribution channels will no longer go through channels but through online "ecosystem". Furthermore Apps, Facebook (and other social medias), OTAs and website are all interconnected parts of booking process, and that the reason why Revenu Managers should keep full eyes on them!
Hoteliers, in order to convice their potential customers, have to make sure that their brands are on others and several websites; and indeed make research on google, how their properties are presented and compare with competitors: Customers are able to shop now everywhere...

Hoteliers and we will have to work on customer's "unique website experience"
 before he even checked-in...!